What is Device linking?
If you have more than one Skylight Calendar or Frame, you can link them together. When you link devices, they will all share the same information. When you make changes on one device, linked devices will update automatically.
This includes all your Calendar or Frame data - events, chores, lists, meals, and more. You cannot link only some of the data.
Device Linking is helpful if you have multiple devices in the same household, or you have multiple frames that you want to be in sync, anywhere in the world.
Can one device be view only?
At this time, all linked devices can make changes to content, which will be reflect across all other linked devices.
Can I link a Skylight Frame and a Skylight Calendar together?
No - you can only link Calendars to each other and Frames to each other. You cannot link a Frame and a Calendar together.
Can multiple Skylight Calendars link in different time zones?
Unfortunately, linked Calendars can only be in one timezone at a time.
Is there a maximum number of Calendars or Frames that can be linked together?
No! We don’t have a limit on how many devices that can be connected to each other.
Learn more about Skylight Device Linking:
- How do I link multiple Skylight calendars or frames together?
- How do I remove a linked Calendar or Frame?
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